Japonija (page 1/2)
1940-1949 Kitas

Dabar rodoma: Japonija - Pašto Ženklai (1930 - 1939) - 96 ženklai.

[Mt Fuji and Deer (1930-37) - New Die - Picture Size: 18½ x 22mm, tipas BH7] [Mt Fuji and Deer (1930-37) - New Die - Picture Size: 18½ x 22mm, tipas BH8] [Mt Fuji and Deer (1930-37) - New Die - Picture Size: 18½ x 22mm, tipas BH9]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
212 BH7 4S - 15,63 0,78 - USD  Info
213 BH8 8S - 26,05 0,52 - USD  Info
214 BH9 20S - 130 0,78 - USD  Info
212‑214 - 171 2,08 - USD 
1930 The 2nd Census in the Japan Empire

25. rugsėjis WM: Niekas Perforacija: 12½

[The 2nd Census in the Japan Empire, tipas BZ] [The 2nd Census in the Japan Empire, tipas BZ1]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
215 BZ 1½S - 4,17 2,08 - USD  Info
216 BZ1 3S - 5,21 2,60 - USD  Info
215‑216 - 9,38 4,68 - USD 
1930 the 10th Anniversary of Dedication of Meiji Shrine

1. lapkritis WM: Niekas Perforacija: 12½

[the 10th Anniversary of Dedication of Meiji Shrine, tipas CA] [the 10th Anniversary of Dedication of Meiji Shrine, tipas CA1]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
217 CA 1½S - 3,13 2,60 - USD  Info
218 CA1 3S - 5,21 3,13 - USD  Info
217‑218 - 8,34 5,73 - USD 
1931 Tazawa - New Value

21. sausis WM: 1 Perforacija: 13 x 13½

[Tazawa - New Value, tipas AS21]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
219 AS21 7S - 31,26 0,26 - USD  Info
1934 Airmail - Airplane

1. kovas WM: 1 Perforacija: 13½ x 13

[Airmail - Airplane, tipas BY4]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
220 BY4 9½S - 15,63 12,50 - USD  Info
[Airmail - Stamp Exhibition, Tokyo - Airmail Stamps from 1929 & 1934, tipas BY5]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
221 BY5 77S 1.563 - 2.084 - USD  Info
[The 15th International Red Cross Congress - Tokyo, Japan, tipas CB] [The 15th International Red Cross Congress - Tokyo, Japan, tipas CC] [The 15th International Red Cross Congress - Tokyo, Japan, tipas CB1] [The 15th International Red Cross Congress - Tokyo, Japan, tipas CC1]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
222 CB 1½S - 2,60 1,56 - USD  Info
223 CC 3S - 3,13 2,60 - USD  Info
224 CB1 6S - 15,63 10,42 - USD  Info
225 CC1 10S - 20,84 15,63 - USD  Info
222‑225 - 42,20 30,21 - USD 
1935 Visit of Emperor Kang Teh of Manchukuo

2. balandis WM: Niekas Perforacija: 12½

[Visit of Emperor Kang Teh of Manchukuo, tipas CD] [Visit of Emperor Kang Teh of Manchukuo, tipas CE] [Visit of Emperor Kang Teh of Manchukuo, tipas CD1] [Visit of Emperor Kang Teh of Manchukuo, tipas CE1]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
226 CD 1½S - 1,56 1,56 - USD  Info
227 CE 3S - 3,13 1,56 - USD  Info
228 CD1 6S - 12,50 10,42 - USD  Info
229 CE1 10S - 15,63 12,50 - USD  Info
226‑229 - 32,82 26,04 - USD 
1935 New Year

1. gruodis WM: Niekas Perforacija: 13 x 13½

[New Year, tipas CF]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
230 CF 1½S - 12,50 0,26 - USD  Info
1936 Fuji-Hakone National Park

10. liepa WM: 1 Perforacija: 13 x 13½

[Fuji-Hakone National Park, tipas CG] [Fuji-Hakone National Park, tipas CH] [Fuji-Hakone National Park, tipas CI] [Fuji-Hakone National Park, tipas CJ]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
231 CG 1½S - 4,17 8,34 - USD  Info
232 CH 3S - 10,42 12,50 - USD  Info
233 CI 6S - 15,63 26,05 - USD  Info
234 CJ 10S - 20,84 26,05 - USD  Info
231‑234 - 51,06 72,94 - USD 
[The 30th Anniversary of the Administration of Kwatung Leased Territory & South Manchuria Railway Zone, tipas CK] [The 30th Anniversary of the Administration of Kwatung Leased Territory & South Manchuria Railway Zone, tipas CL] [The 30th Anniversary of the Administration of Kwatung Leased Territory & South Manchuria Railway Zone, tipas CM]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
235 CK 1½S - 20,84 26,05 - USD  Info
236 CL 3S - 26,05 31,26 - USD  Info
237 CM 10S - 208 260 - USD  Info
235‑237 - 255 317 - USD 
[Opening of the New Diet Building - Tokyo, tipas CN] [Opening of the New Diet Building - Tokyo, tipas CO] [Opening of the New Diet Building - Tokyo, tipas CO1] [Opening of the New Diet Building - Tokyo, tipas CN1]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
238 CN 1½S - 2,08 2,08 - USD  Info
239 CO 3S - 2,60 2,60 - USD  Info
240 CO1 6S - 10,42 10,42 - USD  Info
241 CN1 10S - 15,63 12,50 - USD  Info
238‑241 - 30,73 27,60 - USD 
1936 New Year

10. gruodis WM: Niekas Popieriaus-dydis: 1 Perforacija: 13 x 13½

[New Year, tipas CP]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
242 CP 1½S - 10,42 0,52 - USD  Info
1937 Previous Issues - Watermarked

1. balandis WM: 1 Perforacija: 13 x 13½

[Previous Issues - Watermarked, tipas BH10] [Previous Issues - Watermarked, tipas BS1] [Previous Issues - Watermarked, tipas BH11]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
243 BH10 4S - 5,21 1,04 - USD  Info
244 BS1 10S - 15,63 26,05 - USD  Info
245 BH11 20S - 41,68 41,68 - USD  Info
243‑245 - 62,52 68,77 - USD 
1937 Patriotic Aviation Fund

1. birželis WM: 1 Perforacija: 13½

[Patriotic Aviation Fund, tipas CQ] [Patriotic Aviation Fund, tipas CQ1] [Patriotic Aviation Fund, tipas CQ2]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
246 CQ 2+2 S - 3,13 2,08 - USD  Info
247 CQ1 3+2 S - 3,13 2,08 - USD  Info
248 CQ2 4+2 S - 4,17 2,08 - USD  Info
246‑248 - 10,43 6,24 - USD 
1937 New Year

15. gruodis WM: 3 Perforacija: 13 x 13½

[New Year, tipas CR]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
249 CR 2S - 15,63 0,52 - USD  Info
1937 -1938 New Watermark

WM: 3 Perforacija: 13 x 13½ or 13½ x 13

[New Watermark, tipas AR19] [New Watermark, tipas AR20] [New Watermark, tipas AR21] [New Watermark, tipas BH12] [New Watermark, tipas AS22] [New Watermark, tipas BR1] [New Watermark, tipas AS23] [New Watermark, tipas BH13] [New Watermark, tipas BS2] [New Watermark, tipas BH14] [New Watermark, tipas AS24] [New Watermark, tipas AT7] [New Watermark, tipas AT8] [New Watermark, tipas AT9] [New Watermark, tipas BN2] [New Watermark, tipas BN3]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
250 AR19 ½S - 5,21 4,17 - USD  Info
251 AR20 1S - 10,42 6,25 - USD  Info
252 AR21 3S - 3,13 0,52 - USD  Info
253 BH12 4S - 10,42 0,52 - USD  Info
254 AS22 5S - 12,50 0,26 - USD  Info
255 BR1 6S - 15,63 3,13 - USD  Info
256 AS23 7S - 15,63 0,26 - USD  Info
257 BH13 8S - 20,84 2,60 - USD  Info
258 BS2 10S - 15,63 0,26 - USD  Info
259 BH14 20S - 26,05 0,78 - USD  Info
260 AS24 25S - 104 4,17 - USD  Info
261 AT7 30S - 62,52 1,04 - USD  Info
262 AT8 50S - 312 3,13 - USD  Info
263 AT9 1Y - 182 1,04 - USD  Info
264 BN2 5Y - 521 15,63 - USD  Info
265 BN3 10Y - 625 12,50 - USD  Info
250‑265 - 1.943 56,26 - USD 


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